Thursday, July 10, 2008

What would we do without Sushi?

If you're a pseudo-vegetarian or pescatarian, like me, the sushi restaurant down the street (like Sapporo, in my case) may very well be your best friend. Basically, I'm not a straight up vegetarian, I only eat seafood.

I'm not on a quest to save the animals (although we all should), I just no longer enjoy the cliché barbecue with a big meaty steak on the grill. Plus, there's no way I'm giving up my lobster...I live in Maine for crying out loud!

Besides, in the effort to eat only lean protein, seafood is definitely the way to go. Coupled with all of the yummy vitamins and minerals you get, fatty omega-3 acids are a plus! If you're looking to become a pescatarian, be sure to watch the number of fish portions you consume. Otherwise, I'm a firm believer that this is one of the best vegetarian diets by far. I mean, you can still eat animal byproducts, so enjoy your morning omelet! (I would make it an egg white omelet though - low cholesterol!!)

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